Page name: room of torture [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:30:23
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 6
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Enter a room meant for torture. A large room it is, filled with all sorts of devices that could be used to torture someone. Over there is the spinning wheel of doom and there is a faucet for anyone who needs to use water for their fun. In the closet and cupboards you can find all sorts of interesting (and dangerous) items.




Newly added hallway:
Cain's room
no other rooms have been claimed yet

Abandoned hallway:
Over to Poe's Room
Over to Pup's Room
Over to Vic's Room
Over to Cykes's Room
Over to Bishop's Room

Outside the mansion:
to the blood forest

Back to Torture Castle rp


Archive: Torture Room2

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2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: hello

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: ^^ *grins* okiday!! Who's rping next???

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: idk. oooo, look at my newest pic on my page!

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: i will if you'll rp^^

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: it definately her turn...*turns and looks into corner*

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: eheheheh, okay then

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: ^^ *grins* and btw...the pics are awesome^^

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: speaking of pics.....*glances at pup before turning back to corner again*

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: *doesn't catch the glance and gets ready to rp* otay....lets do this^^

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *stares into corner* pups turn

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: again....already????? geesh.....i was gone to long^^

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *bites paw from anger*

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: why?

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: *puts a block aorund Anya's whole body*

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: why did i leave?? it was lunch time^^ Mac'n'cheese^^ yummmy

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: oooo, yum yum!

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: eww. *bangs head on floor*

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: *makes the floor bouncy so Anya doesn't hurt herself*

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares murder and shifts into a bear, causing blocks to dig in*

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: *grins* the blocks shift with you

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts into elf and smashes blocks, pulling a dagger and sheilds self with magic*

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: *steps through the shield* ur turn, Anya.....

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *brings new sheild up. and contempltes* no, its pups or cykes

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: cykes won't be on for another hour...'tis dinner time for, pup....ur turn, dear

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: ^^ puleaze hurry...i'm's getting hungry...

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: ^^ thanksies^^ otays i suppose i'll go again...

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: hmmmm.....

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: what??

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: I don't know what to do right now....

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: me little brother, [Redwall Warrior] is massicuring everything....going into my friends list and speaking to all of if you get a message from him...beware....

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: okiday

2008-01-14 [Rook.]: ...>+<

2008-01-14 [Lady Arrianya]: kk

2008-01-15 [Lady Arrianya]: *flops in corner* that works too....

2008-01-15 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: /.....>_< HE'S.....GRRR!@!!!!!!!!

2008-01-15 [Eyonic]: vwhat?

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: nvrmnd....>_<

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: ok..., I'm back..., if someone could give me a beginning where I can jump into the game again...?

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: *hug tackles Riddle* YAY!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!! <img:61691_1132959456.gif>

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: could be waiting for us at the mansion^^

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: *lies on the ground, smashed* ok^^^

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: did I place that?

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: *pouts and pokes* you know i don't like it when you do hurts me to see you so broken...

FYI: keep thr rping in here...not in the torture rp...otay sweetie^^ lol

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: it's your fault though..., you shouldn't tackle me..., you're quite powerful^^^ *heals*

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: no, i'm not powerful.....*cries* i'm not.....>_>....^^

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: would you rather hear that you're weak...? let's say, you're not weak^^^

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: ^^ *is slightly confusled* ummmm....OKAY! *hugs lightly*

2008-01-15 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-15 [Sir Riddle]: it's not very busy here..., is it^^^*hugs back*

2008-01-15 [Eyonic]: not really...

2008-01-15 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-16 [Lady Arrianya]: *makes self really small in obscurest corner she can find* welcome back riddle

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: morning^^^ (no matter where you try to hide..., I can find you...^^^)

2008-01-16 [Rook.]: ^^ *laughs and hides with Anya* not unless I'm with her, then you;ll never find us^^ Quick Anya! lets hide in that mouse-hole over there that I convientiantly placed^^

2008-01-16 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts both into specks of dust* dust is much better...theres always alot of it about...and its a micro organism

2008-01-16 [Rook.]: *giggles* i agree *does the dust slide over to the corner of the cabinet*

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: dus isn't an organism...^^^ and I have a microscope^^^I'll find you!! (one day...)

2008-01-16 [Eyonic]: ....hmmmm, where did the others go...?

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: poe is getting her ears pierced..., and I don't know about anya...

2008-01-16 [Eyonic]: anya is in school, tho I cant remember what class.........normally I know what class she's in since we're in the same school......

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: and you're not in school at the moment?

2008-01-16 [Eyonic]: oh, I'm in school right now, but I'm a senior and she's a junior , so we don't have the same classes except for 1.

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: ah...

2008-01-16 [Eyonic]: yup yup

2008-01-16 [Sir Riddle]: nobody of my school is on ET...

2008-01-16 [Eyonic]: that's no fun. there is me and anya and mouse from this school

2008-01-16 [Rook.]: no one form my school is here either...

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: sorry about my being depressed yesterday guys...I was having an awful day....

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: me too. I'll save you Poe!!!!!

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *sighs with relief* thanks Eyo...and for a day today, its actualy going good so far, i suppose...

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: that's good

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: i guess^^

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: wow, anya posted.....

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *grins* yays!!

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: lol. that was my shortest post.....

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: I didn't know you were depressed...?

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: who? me or Poe?

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: poe...

you're making me worried...

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: i was rather busy thanks

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *sighs* it's okay Riddle...Don't worry about it...

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: actually....i think all three of us have been truthfully...

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: maybe its a bug thats going around....

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: hmmm, not for me. I'm just a bit of an empath.....

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: doubt that.....

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: what?

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: nvrmnd

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: *hugs Poe*

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *hugs back*

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: is everybody depressed or something...?

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: no, not everyone...I'm not depressed, just a slight bit sad...

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: why...?

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: very sad....

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: no reason...i'm just a bit testy today^^ nothing you need to worry about^^

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: but it's your birthday, you should be happy!*hugs*

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: just dont pry riddle.......i know what it is, i think.....still, happy b day!

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *hugs back* thanks Riddle....thanks Anya....

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: uhm..., I know the word prying, but I don't know the meaning...., can you enlighten me?

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: just drop the issue....much safer....take it from experience

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: ok...

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: *hugs poe again then retreats to corner*

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya back then sits with her in the corner*

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: *leans against Poe*

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *puts head on top of hers*

Someone RP please...Poe's asleep....

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: I'm already having trouble keeping up the pace of the comments^^^ but I can try^^^

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: ^^ sorry about that my dear^^

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: don't worry..., I like to read it all^^^

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: lol

2008-01-17 [Sir Riddle]: besides..., we've dominated most of the wiki's^^^

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: i know...anyone....feel free to step in and interupt us^^

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: lol, I already did

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: umph

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya* i didnt forget about you, ANya dearest^^

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: i know dearest *hugs back and starts to fall asleep* just another headache and anger overload....darn *sighs and hopes poe knows what she is talking about* too many ppl down about finals....ack

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: i don't have i do know what ur talkinf about....just never experienced it....(and yes, i do know what ur talkng about....)

2008-01-17 [Lady Arrianya]: k.....*leans back against Poe*

2008-01-17 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-18 [Rook.]: DID EVERYONE LEAVE ME?!?!?!
I'm so lonely....

2008-01-18 [Eyonic]: im still here....

2008-01-18 [Rook.]: *starts to hug, then stops* I'm glad

2008-01-18 [Eyonic]: lol, yup. but sadly, now I'm leaving. Bye bye Poe...

2008-01-18 [Rook.]: *cries* bye bye...

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: kk, I'm back now.

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: *sniffs* I feel so alone....with no one hold.... i want you right here next beside me.... Man...I have to stop watching High School Musical.... But thats all the kids want to i have to go along....>_<

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: lol, that sucks for you.

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: yeah, seeing as how my desk for school is in the front room...

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: ooph, that really sucks then.

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: yeah...
Your turn to rp before i make mine any longer...

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: lol, okay then.

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: thanks yous

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: how's that?

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: goood.....
say, do you have a facebook? or YIM?

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: i have YIM

2008-01-19 [Rook.]: ^^ can i have ur YIM adress??

2008-01-19 [Eyonic]: yup yup. it be

2008-01-19 [Lady Arrianya]: umph!  *kills all emotions and tries to start from scratch, but fails. Sits in corner and hides self in shadows*

2008-01-22 [Eyonic]: .......omg Anya.......

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: WHAT?!?!!?

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *doesnt respond*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *goes and sits with Anya* tell me, please...

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *stil doesnt respond and hides eyes with her tail, still consumed by shadows*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *pets Anya's head and waits patiently*

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *is petted but doesnt feel it*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *hugs* oh....'tis gonna be okays ANyas....

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *is hugged and clings* no it wont poe

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *strokes hair and hugs again* yes, it will, trust me....

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: no it wont poe.....not when im not beleived!

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: i believe you, though...

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: i mean by the one that hurt me

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: i know, but still......

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: umph.......i hate it!

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: me too

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *goes back to corner and hides in shadows once more*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *sits with Anya*

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *leans against poe*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: *holds Anya*

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *clings back*

2008-01-22 [Rook.]: it be okays *rocks back and forth*

2008-01-22 [Lady Arrianya]: no its not *gives into the tears that had been tormenting her all day with being held back*

2008-01-23 [Rook.]: *continues to rock Anya*

2008-01-23 [Lady Arrianya]: *feels slightly better and hugs Poe*

2008-01-23 [Eyonic]: hmmmmm.......

2008-01-23 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya back* want one too Pup??^^

2008-01-23 [Eyonic]: no thankyou Poe

2008-01-23 [Rook.]: okies....

2008-01-24 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits back in corner and watches shaking hands*

2008-01-24 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya*

2008-01-24 [Lady Arrianya]: *hugs back*

2008-01-24 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-25 [tia mia]: poe ^^ <---- those are overused

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: :P i don't care, they are my trademark....^^ anyways, read what i have written up there, then click on 'Edit this page', then scroll down to the near bottom....after what i wrote, then you follow the story line and put it in....heres a are the person aproaching the mansion....^^

2008-01-25 [tia mia]: im lost

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: ok, go to 'edit this page'

2008-01-25 [tia mia]: okay

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: then you click on it, and then you find what i wrote last....then you write something after it....

2008-01-25 [tia mia]: okay

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: then you hit 'submit changes to this page'

2008-01-25 [tia mia]: okay :)

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: okay^^

2008-01-25 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-01-25 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-01-26 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes head and resumes residency in corner*

2008-01-27 [Rook.]: *sits with Anay*

2008-01-28 [Eyonic]: Sits with Anya and Poe

2008-01-28 [Lady Arrianya]: *glares at wall*

2008-01-28 [Rook.]: *lays down and puts a wet rag over my eyes*

2008-01-28 [Lady Arrianya]: headache?

2008-01-28 [Rook.]: no.....stomach flu....i've been throwing up all night...i finaly got sick of running between my room and the i moved my pillow into the bathroom....

2008-01-28 [Lady Arrianya]: im sry

2008-01-28 [Rook.]: not ur fault...*pokes Riddle* its his...

2008-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: my fault??

2008-01-29 [Rook.]: yes, your^^
i talked to you Sunday night...and i woke up Monday at about Midnight feeling gave me whatever you had...just so we could share it...^^ *laughs*

2008-01-29 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes head* ppl.....*sits in corner*

2008-01-29 [Rook.]: *sits with Anya but puts a barrier in between so she doesn't get sick to*

2008-01-29 [Eyonic]: ack! one sentence posts....*feints*

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